Gestalt Therapy

I offer an initial free half hour consultation to see wether we are a good match for working together and to discuss how I can best support you.

What is Gestalt therapy?

I am a psychotherapist in training at the Nordic Gestalt Institute in Denmark, where I am currently on my third year of studying. Next to this I work as a coach, consultant and facilitator.
I work with individuals and groups who want unlock their full potential and live a life of grounded centered presence, connection, meaning and purpose.

In my sessions you have my full attention and uwavering presence. I will give you honest feedback to support you and help bring clarity to whatever life topic you bring into the session.
I offer an initial free half hour consultation to see wether we are a good match for working together and to discuss how I can best support you.

I also work with organisations and leaders, for more information click here.

In my sessions you have my full attention and uwavering presence. I will give you honest feedback to support you and help bring clarity to whatever life topic you bring into the session.
I offer an initial free half hour consultation to see wether we are a good match for working together and to discuss how I can best support you.

I also work with organisations and leaders, for more information click here.


“Claus has a big heart, a clear intuition and a sharp intellect, which enables him to combine energetic and therapeutic work in a unique way. I have felt held and met in a respectful and conscious space in his sessions. He creates an equal meeting with presence, where there is space and trust to examine and release deep emotions and blockages.”

Louise M. Jørgensen, DK

“Claus is one of the most inspiring examples of a conscious, openhearted man I’ve ever had the pleasure to connect with. His warm quality of grounded presence and ability to welcome and love people he works with unconditionally is an ideal container for exploration, growth and healing. Whether you are interested in deepening in presence, opening your heart, or learning how to connect to others more deeply, I can wholeheartedly recommend his embodiment and work.”

John Kensho, Netherlands


Terapi: (Nedsat pris, da jeg er under uddannelse)
60 min. / 400 kr.
75 min. / 500 kr.

Enkeltsessioner bookes ved at skrive til mig på mail eller ved at kontakte mig pr. telefon. Betaling sker efter sessionen med Mobilepay eller kontant.

Afbud og tidsændring skal ske 24 timer før aftalte tidspunkt. Ved for sent afbud eller udeblivelse opkræves fuldt honorar.

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